We all want our children to associate practising the piano with enjoyment because they appreciate that it pays off - they improve, they can be more creative and they can play the pieces they love really well.
Playing well is significantly easier if students have embedded the habit of good piano posture. You can read my article about good piano posture here.
The biggest challenge for growing children achieving good piano posture is ensuring that their arms and elbows are always placed just above the keys (the correct height!). Don't make the mistake of using a soft cushion to raise their height - it shifts their body weight into the hips and increases the effort they need to play the keys.
The safest solution is an adjustable piano stool which will last them for years and costs around $100 - $165. Simply search 'adjustable piano stool' to see what's on the market today.

If you’re thinking of delaying; don’t! The impact is that their fingers won’t be moving along the keyboard as easily or quickly as they could. You’re also increasing the chance of them wanting to give it all up because their speed of progress will slow down as the music they are learning becomes harder.
The design of a piano stool maximises the potential for maintaining good piano posture. Its rectangular shape and firm cushion allow you to sit comfortably on the front half of it, reach all of the keys and play the pedal without needing to shift your body weight or having the chair tip over.
Read more about good piano posture here:
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