17 July 2021
Hello students and parents,
In line with the current NSW Government restrictions for Great Sydney, piano lessons will continue to be delivered online only.
When these restrictions ease and in-person lessons are possible again, students will be notified by email.
The first week of Term 3 2021 piano lessons at MJ Piano Lessons went very well, proving that online lessons can be highly successful with the right measures in place.
I am very thankful for the support that parents supply side-by-side with their children during lesson time.
Tips about preparing for online lessons are always available on my website, to view them, simply click here.
My COVID Financial Hardship Policy remains in place as does my commitment to keeping 2021 lesson fees locked at 2020 prices.
If you or your child are a current student and you are experiencing financial difficulty because of the coronavirus, please reach out by phone 0404824020 to discuss your situation.
Stay safe.
Justin McKee Piano Teacher, MJ Piano Lessons