On Saturday 19 June 2021, MJ Piano Lessons' top three performing students will receive an award and prize for their practical, technical and musical theory achievements.
These will be handed out at the special event scheduled for 10:00-12:00pm that day, A Morning of Making Music.
The 2021 All Rounder Awards are open to MJ Piano Lesson students up to Year 10 and acknowledge the efforts of students during Term 1 and Term 2.

Each week from the second week of every school term, students are awarded a mark out of five for the practical, technical and musical theory work they have done at home.
The marking system puts all students on a level playing field and is designed to help incentivise students to keep striving with their piano studies throughout each term.
The top three scoring students will be awarded as follows:
1st Place: All Rounder Award + JBL Link Music wifi speaker valued at $169
2nd Place: All Rounder Award + Solar Robot Creation Set by Discovery #Mindblown $39
3rd Place: All Rounder Award + Build your own High Bounce Ball Set valued at $25
The first three students to achieve 15 marks in one lesson at any point during the term will be granted a small prize from a selection of options (see the far right image on this page).
It is very possible for a student to achieve a 5/5 for their efforts in all three areas, each lesson.
The set work is achievable; achievable goals are motivating goals.
To find out more about the event, A Morning of Making Music scheduled for 10:00am-12:00pm Saturday 19 June 2021, click here.
All awards and prizes are granted in good will for the purpose of elevating students to improve their constructed responses to tasks set from lesson to lesson. Items awarded cannot be exchanged for cash or other goods.
A permit is not required for this competition as the total prize pool does not exceed $10,000
Please reach out to Justin McKee, Piano Teacher at MJ Piano Lessons with any questions using the contact details found by clicking here.