MJ Piano Lessons

Why study music?
The most common reason people start and stick with learning an instrument of any kind is because it's fun! The skills you develop will stay with you for life. There is nothing better than mastering your favourite piece of music or writing your first composition. There is also much evidence about the cognitive, emotional and physical benefits from musical training.
It's our mission at MJ Piano Lessons to offer enjoyable and creative learning opportunities in a
professional, friendly environment.
Who can learn to play the piano?
Anyone can learn a musical instrument from an early age onward, and the options with the piano become increasingly endless the more you progress. With as little as ten minutes per day for beginners, you can develop lifelong skills and progress towards your goals.
Parents and guardians are expected to sit through lessons and enjoy the experience just as much as students! This helps to keep parents informed, keep communication channels open and is part of MJ Piano Lessons commitment to maintaining a safe and supportive environment.
Where do lessons take place?
Piano, Musicianship and Theory lessons take place in the home studio of teacher Justin McKee in Summer Hill, NSW 2130. The studio is located a short walk to the local train and light rail stations, local bus stops and there is free on-street parking. More info here.
When are lessons held?
New students are accepted all throughout the year. The teaching timetable typically follows the dates of the NSW School Term and teaching times are limited. More info here .
Extra lessons are offered during school holidays from time-to-time to assist those transitioning into new AMEB grades, preparing for imminent AMEB exams, High School exams or University deadlines.
How much does it cost?
Lessons start at $42.50 per 30 minute lesson per term for those taking weekly lessons.