MJ Piano Lessons

Fees. Dates. Terms

Looking for a piano teacher? Discover everything you need to know on this page including fees, teaching dates and booking terms. All new students are offered a free trial piano lesson.
Justin McKee, MJ Piano Lessons' teacher delivers piano lessons once a week to all students.
All new students are offered a free trial lesson with no obligation to sign up afterwards.
Learning the piano takes time and while there are no shortcuts, establishing a routine of weekly lessons and regular practice is a key to developing skills and moving along the path to reach your goals.
MJ Piano Lessons is a Register Provider for the NSW Government's Creative Kids Program which means that eligible parents can save $50 per year on lesson fees for each child enrolled, from 1 Feb 2024.
Free Trial Piano Lesson
We understand how important it is to find the right piano teacher, which is why we offer a complimentary trial lesson. This is your chance to experience a session with Justin McKee, meet him in person, ask any questions you might have, and discuss your musical goals.
Please note that availability for new students may be limited as Justin is often fully booked. However, rest assured that you will receive a trial lesson as soon as a space becomes available.
What is on offer?
Justin offers one-on-one piano lessons from his home studio in Summer Hill, NSW. Students play an active role in selecting the style of music that they study. New students are welcome all throughout the year. Students are taught at the same time, once per week, each teaching term, for a full term. There are four terms per year, and there are nine lessons per term. Term dates closely follow the NSW School Term dates and are published below.
Dates - when are lessons taught?
Students are taught at the same time, once per week, each teaching term, for a full term. There are four terms per year, there are nine lessons per term.
Teaching term 1 2025: Monday 3 February to Saturday 5 April 2025.
Teaching term 2 2025: Monday 28 April to Monday 30 June 2025 (no lesson Mon 9 June)
Teaching term 3 2025: Monday 21 July to Saturday 20 September 2025.
Teaching term 4 2025: Monday 13 October to Saturday 13 December 2025. ​
Fees: How much are piano lessons for the Term?
30 minute, weekly lessons are $562.50 for the Term, GST inclusive.
45 minute, weekly lessons are $843.75 for the Term, GST inclusive.
60 minute, weekly lessons are $1,125.00 for the Term, GST inclusive.
An invoice for each teaching Term is sent out prior to the term as lessons are payable upfront.
Note - if you happen to join mid way through the term, a pro-rata fee will be calculated based on the number of weeks left in the teaching term.
Terms: What are the booking terms and conditions?
The document below contains MJ Piano Lessons' terms and conditions.
How long a lesson should I sign up for?
Students should book a lesson time with consideration to their age, capacity and stage in learning.
30mins for children who are absolute beginners.
45 mins is the minimum for anyone intending to sit AMEB Preliminary to Grade 4 exams.
45 mins or more for all adults, including beginners.
60 mins for anyone studying Grade 5 or higher, including tertiary education students.
How and when do I pay for lessons?
You can pay your piano lesson fees by cash or Direct Debit. Invoices for piano lessons are sent out once per term and are payable upfront. The full terms are available below.
Cancellations and rescheduling
As per MJ Piano Lessons' booking terms:
If the Student chooses to cancel a Lesson or for whatever reason does not attend a Lesson at the agreed time, then no refund of the Fees will be given.
Before asking to cancel a Lesson, Students are encouraged to consider taking the Lesson online rather than in person.
MJ Piano Lessons may in their sole discretion permit one (1) Lesson to be rescheduled during the Term, provided the Student provides more than two (2) days notice prior to the Lesson (Rescheduled Lesson).
Any Rescheduled Lesson will be at a time and date as specified by MJ Piano Lessons (subject to availability). If the Student is unable to attend the Rescheduled Lesson, then that Lesson shall be forfeited.
Do you offer refunds?
MJ Piano Lessons does not offer refunds because of a change of mind.
If the Student chooses to cancel a Lesson or for whatever reason does not attend a Lesson at the agreed time, then no refund of the Fees will be given.